COVID-19 Safety Precautions

The COVID-19 situation has escalated dramatically in recent weeks. I’m hearing numerous concerns from people I work with, alongside the widespread anxiety that has gripped the world’s attention. It’s unprecedented and scary.

In this article, I’d like to briefly address some relevant issues, including the steps my office has taken to ensure safety.

Office status. A California statewide “stay at home” order is in effect prohibiting public and private gatherings of any size. Because my practice falls under the umbrella of healthcare and social services, it is exempt from this mandate. I am continuing to hold in-person appointments but preferring teletherapy where practical. This is subject to change and I will post online immediately should that occur.

Teletherapy. For clients that wish to avoid in-person office visits, I am offering “teletherapy” options via phone call or videoconferencing. Please ask if you’d like to explore this option.

Hand sanitizer. I have hand sanitizer on hand and I’ve made this available at both my offices. I am assiduously wiping down doorknobs after every meeting.

Social distance. I am enforcing social distancing protocols to the greatest extent possible. This means no physical contact and maximum physical spacing throughout my offices.

Appointment arrivals. As an extension of social distancing, I am requesting that clients who arrive earlier than their scheduled appointment time wait in their vehicles rather than in the reception area. Please don’t enter the office until your appointment time has arrived. This request is intended to reduce the likelihood that people will be forced to share a space with strangers.

Ending on time. In a similar vein, I am mandating that appointments end on time (at the 50 minute mark for most situations). This may seem a bit regimented however the goal is to maintain a 10-minute “cushion” between appointments so that people are not clustered together in the reception area. I believe enforcing this rule will be important for both safety and comfort.

Self-quarantine. I want you to know that I am maintaining a strict self-quarantine when away from the office, as is every member of my family. I am avoiding all shared-space physical contact with anyone outside my clients and my immediate family. My wife is working from home and is following similar protocols. My children are isolated and have been removed from daycare.

I think for many the greatest source of anxiety is the sheer uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 situation, concerns about the larger economic impact, and a deep sense of helplessness. These concerns are completely normal, and, believe me, you have company. I have not been immune.

To the greatest extent possible, I encourage you to focus on what’s in front of you, what you can control. If you’re stuck at home, try to make this time mean something. This can be a great opportunity for introspection, educational enrichment, personal growth, physical activity, long-term planning, and creative time with loved ones. Use the time creatively. Use the time well.

There is a light at the end of this tunnel. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Dr. Jim Seghers